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Math Relays

Math Relay team with coach Sandstrom
Math Relay Team

On Thursday November 11, seven Otis-Bison high school students ventured to Fort Hays State University to participate in the 42nd MATH RELAYS. This event organized along the lines of a track meet had students participating in six different tests either as individuals or team members. Danilo G., Thomas B., Taylor C., Preston R., Macie W., Emily G., Nevaeh M., and Marissa R. represented O-B against 13 other 1A schools and received a 7th place tie. Individual and team results follow:

rank is out of all 31 schools by grade.

Event 1. Using Number Sense 10 grade team scored 6 out of 15. That is there were 15 grade 10 teams. 11 grade, Macie scored 21 out of 48 Taylor scored 36 out of 48 12 grade, Danilo scored 7 out of 40 Event 2. Trigonometry 12 grade, Danilo scored 27 out of 37 Event 3. Algebraic Manipulations 10 grade, Marissa scored 32 out of 41 Nevaeh scored 35 out of 41 Emily scored 38 out of 41 11 grade team scored 11 out of 16 12 grade, Danilo scored 4 out of 40. He correctly answered the same number of questions as the first place participant, unfortunately he incorrectly answered more. A correction factor was used to discourage guessing. 12 grade, Tom scored 14 out of 40 Event 4. Informal Geometry 10 grade team scored 16 out of 17 11 grade, Macie scored 11 out of 37 Prestion scored 31 out of 37 Taylor scored 32 out of 37 12 grade, Tom scored 9 out of 42 Danilo scored 12 out of 42 Event 5. Applications of Algebra 10 grade team scored 11 out of 18 11 grade team scored 12 out of 13 12 grade, Tom scored 32 out of 50 Event 6 Calculations with Calculators 11 grade, Preston scored 20 out of 38 12 grade, Danilo scored 17 out of 38 Tom scored 30 out of 38


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