As a learning project, Mrs. Wagner's students were instructed to develop simple machines to move a Ping-Pong ball 1 meter. Their machine must be made from parts that were not meant to be a part of a machine. Remember machines do not have to have a motor. A machine is something that makes work easier. A simple machine uses only one movement. Examples of simple machines: inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel and axle, and pulley.
Kaden made a ramp.
Peytan made a catapult.
JoDe made a pully.
Christian made a catapult.
Tom made a pully.
Sedonah made a wheel and axle.
Cole made a catapult.
Xander made a pully.
Kooper made a ramp.
Dalton made a catapult.
Grantley made a catapult.
All students successfully completed the task.