The Rush County Health Department has provided the following Covid Quarantine guidelines. These are what USD 403 will be following in the event of a COVID related case.
611 Peace Street,
P.O. Box 452
La Crosse, Kansas 67548
785-222-3427 phone
785-222-3593 fax
Covid Quarantine guidelines for Schools and Community members per Rush
County Health Department/ Dr. Ladd, MD/ Health Officer
If you have been exposed to a positive case:
1. Quarantine for 7 days
2. If you are fully immunized and have no symptoms, you do not need to quarantine.
3. If you are fully immunized and have symptoms test on day 4.
> If negative, no quarantine.
> If positive, you will have to quarantine at home for 10 days.
4. If exposed to a positive case and you develop symptoms, test on day 4.
> If negative, you will still have to quarantine for 7 full days.
5. If positive, you will have to quarantine at home for 10 days.
Robert Ladd, MD
County Health Officer